Tag: customer photos

Summer Love photo contest 2023- now taking your entries!

Summer Love photo contest 2023- now taking your entries!
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Hello and happy Labor Day weekend! Well, hard to believe summer is unofficially over. It’s a perfect time for our annual Summer Love contest! Surely by now many of you have captured some beautiful summer pictures. As long as they have to do with summer, they are welcome! Every season we host a photo contest […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 10

Hi there, if I am lucky (third times a charm) I will be in PB this weekend and this will post on time! First want to wish all the dads out there a wonderful and happy Father’s Day! I am so grateful for mine, as he has shown me throughout my lifetime, what the meaning […]

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A redo for voting for the Spring Love winner and a new product idea!

A redo for voting for the Spring Love winner and a new product idea!
Comments : 11

Good morning everyone. No, you are not imagining that this happened yesterday:) So yesterday was our final showdown round for the Spring Love contest. Normally these are IP protected and you can vote only once. We realized that for part of the contest, this setting was off, which seemed to have inflated votes a certain […]

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