Tag: interior design

Seven on Sunday

Seven  on Sunday
Comments : 10

Hi friends! I am back after a wonderful trip to Italy, which I will be sharing over the next week or two. So. much to share, the beauty was overwhelming! Its taken a couple of days to readjust and get back in the saddle.  Ended up getting a miserable abdominal migraine which put me down […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 14

Hi friends, hope you are enjoying a nice weekend. I first want to announce the winner of the porcelain giveaway. Congrtatultsion goes to #17 KAY says: My table will be set for a lovely brunch with the pretty White Cabbage salad plates and the Blue and White Lilly of the Valley Dinner plates. I cannot […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 5

Hi friends, by the time you read this, we will be returning from a very exciting  week in Palmetto Bluff! I prepared this post ahead of time, and hope that it will post on time. We finally moved in and it was such a joyful week. A long time coming but we finally did it. […]

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