Tag: Random musings as seen through my iphone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 30

Hello! Hope you are well and that your week is off ot a great start. Started my week with  a fun birthday dinner  with a group of treasured friends (hi girls)! We have vowed to do that until we are old and gray…..what would we do without our circle of friends! It was a very […]

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Random musings as seen through my iPhone……

Comments : 30

Hi friends!!  Hope this finds you well, and hope you had a great weekend.  Ours was very nice, though yesterday my son left and that is always bittersweet. The only thing that made it bearable was seeing how excited he was to go back. Knowing how happy he was made me happy…..but still going to […]

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A winner has been crowned and random musings as seen from my iphone

Comments : 27

Good morning, well if you follow me on Instagram you know I have had some kind of nasty stomach bug. I am not out of the woods yet but certainly better than yesterday. Of course this happens when I have four things to attend four days in a row, 2 so far I have had […]

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