Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

By Invitation Only…Sharing

Comments : 36

Hi well we are back…….hard to believe summer is over and fall is just around the bend.? The wonderful group I am a part of, By invitation Only takes a reprise over the summer and resumes in the fall….so here we are! Today’s post is on sharing. We can interpret it any way we choose.? […]

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End of the week random musings….

Comments : 25

Hi there, hard to believe it is Friday already….such a crazy busy week over here.? First things first, a winner of the tole tray has been selected! Random number picker.org picked…..   #21 coolidge.ml says: September 9, 2014 at 4:34 pm (Edit) New web site works beautifully! The green oval tray is just lovely?.just the […]

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The new and improved Enchanted Home Shop is up and a tole giveaway!

Comments : 147

Hi there……hope you are well. Well I have waited a loooooong time to say this (and you are likely sick of hearing me talk about it)? but my newly expanded and improved (still a work in progress) online shop is finally up! It is still being tweaked but it’s up and integrated onto my blog […]

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