Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Another round of warehouse cleaning Steals and Deals…..ready to go!

Comments : 8

This was supposed to have posted two days ago, but obviously I did not do it right! So here it is….. Hi friends!! I am back!!? How I have missed blogland, I have SO much to tell you about, so much to share, and am working on putting together the first of either 2 or […]

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Early week random musings….

Comments : 29

Hi there, well its been one heck of a crazy busy month. I have taken the last few days to play catch up and there was A LOT to catch up on!! Busy weekend? with my husbands birthday and a few parties, plus lets not forget The World Cup which seems to dominate all that […]

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My weekend as seen through my i Phone and a dough bowl delivery!

Comments : 19

Hi there,? we are having the most beautiful weekend, sunny bright skies, low humidity, moderate temps….who? could ask for more!? What did we do before we had our cell phones? I am way more attached to mine than I would care to admit…how about you? I like to share highlights of my days/weekends? every now […]

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