Tag: travel

My trip to Amsterdam part three!

My trip to Amsterdam part three!
Comments : 11

Hello, hope you enjoyed my trip coverage so far  on Amsterdam. Getting to write these posts and share my pictures (many) was like being back there again, and immediately brought back a rush of memories. It was a short trip (6 days) but oh, so much fun doing everything I love. I am so very […]

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My trip to Amsterdam part one!

My trip to Amsterdam part one!
Comments : 28

Hello! Forewarning- you will want to sit down for this, very picture heavy. Don’t even quite know where to begin, about this incredible trip to Amsterdam. One trip that has been high on my bucket list, mostly to see the iconic Keukenhof Gardens and let me tell you, they did not disappoint. Keukenhof is the […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 8

Hello everyone! Hope this posts on time as I will be out of the country on my trip to Amsterdam when you see this. I will just be coming back and hopefully will be excited to tell you all about a wonderful and smooth trip.  Hope you are enjoying a wonderful spring weekend, weeks are […]

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