Month: March 2015

The Enchanted Home Love 2 contest…2nd round!

Comments : 15

Good morning, so here we are with round 2 of the contest. I wish I could tell you this round is easier but it is not…..another round of truly amazing and inspiring images, and I will tell you now, it is not an easy decision! I had such fun pouring through the many wonderful submissions […]

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Enchanted Home Love contest round 1

Comments : 21

Hi there, it’s contest day, I am so excited! ?Before we begin one little favor?. If you love my blog and it’s one of your favorites, would you like to nominate me for the Saveur blog awards? A reader emailed me about them and how she nominated me (I didn’t know about them) and that […]

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By Invitation Only…Flowers and fashion

Comments : 34

Hello there, Hope your week is off to a wonderful start. I can’t believe its time for our monthly, By Invitation Only! This months theme was a welcomed one, Flowers and Fashion. The idea is to talk about a favorite go to spring outfit and how flowers influence our life. This is right up my […]

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