Month: February 2021

Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 11

We were aware that the ability to pin from the blog was disabled. This should now be fixed. If anyone is having issues please let us know, [email protected]   Hello and happy Saturday,  hope this finds you doing well. Back to NY and back to real life. Came home to heaps of snow with quite […]

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Now taking your entries for our new contest, Enchanted Home Love

Now taking your entries for our new contest,  Enchanted Home Love
Comments : 6

We are aware that there is an issue pinning things from our site, we have someone looking into this and hope to have it corrected soon! Hi there, you know how much I love hosting my various contests. It is such fun to see the amazing talent out there and then when you factor in […]

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