Pretty posts to ponder! Part I

Comments : 45

And a happy Saturday to you! We are in the throes of a serious heat wave and I am personally so over it, I want 70’s, no humidity and cool that too much to ask? I cannot believe that 51% of the country has been experiencing this heat wave…it seems unprecedented and a little […]

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Pretty posts to ponder! Part I

Comments : 45

And a happy Saturday to you! We are in the throes of a serious heat wave and I am personally so over it, I want 70’s, no humidity and cool that too much to ask? I cannot believe that 51% of the country has been experiencing this heat wave…it seems unprecedented and a little […]

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Things I am loving Thursdays and house updates!!

Comments : 58

Good morning, I can’t believe its already Thursday. Don’t know about you but here in the northeast we are bracing for a serious dose of heat. They are expecting heat indexes to hit 105 or more, which I know is what some parts of the country have been experiencing for weeks! It is unbelievable and […]

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