Things I am loving Thursdays and house updates!!

Comments : 58

Good morning, I can’t believe its already Thursday. Don’t know about you but here in the northeast we are bracing for a serious dose of heat. They are expecting heat indexes to hit 105 or more, which I know is what some parts of the country have been experiencing for weeks! It is unbelievable and […]

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Living rooms to lust after!

Comments : 43

A happy Wednesday to you!.. In continuing my posts on rooms that I am loving, today its all about that highly mysterious, rarely used but oh so deserving room, the elusive living room! Yes that one room that we typically spend most of our budget, all of our brainpower and talents and at least as much […]

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Living rooms to lust after!

Comments : 42

A happy Wednesday to you!..?In continuing my posts on rooms that I am loving, today its all about that highly mysterious, rarely used but oh so deserving room, the elusive living room! Yes that one room that we typically spend most of our budget, all of our brainpower and talents and at least as much […]

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