Happy Thursday, an explanation and be back tomorrow!

Comments : 44

Good morning!! I have been up since 5:30 after a ridiculously long and tiring (but fun) day yesterday. I panicked because I remembered that I forgot to wrap the small favors being given out for a very dear friends birthday today. So I have been playing “the wrapping elf” for the last hour, lol.  I […]

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Happy Thursday, an explanation and be back tomorrow!

Comments : 44

Good morning!! I have been up since 5:30 after a ridiculously long and tiring (but fun) day yesterday. I panicked because I remembered that I forgot to wrap the small favors being given out for a very dear friends birthday today. So I have been playing “the wrapping elf” for the last hour, lol. ?I […]

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How many are your pet peeves? Here are 36 of mine!

Comments : 69

Good morning! Don’t know about where you are, but we have been experiencing a heat wave, the temperatures in the high nineties wtih humidity that could turn even the straightest hair curly. Today we are supposed to get relief…..finally! Venturing a little off course today, but we have to spice things up in life, right? I occasionally am […]

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