A tribute to an old fashioned July 4th…..

Comments : 30

Happy July 4th! Have been gone since late late night as ?I normally feature my “Sunday showhouse”on Sunday morning so will be back with it next Sunday. ?Hope everyone is well, happy and relaxed. Whatever your plans are and have been over this holiday weekend…hope the weather is cooperating. So far, so beautiful over this […]

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Designer spotlight: Sandra Nunnerly

Comments : 35

Happy Friday! We are off to a huge lacrosse tournament in Maryland and will return on Sunday hopefully in time to make it to a BBQ- Hope you have some fun plans for the weekend!  I first discovered Sandra’s work because someone I know used her firm to decorate her magnificent home. I was most […]

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Designer spotlight: Sandra Nunnerly

Comments : 35

Happy Friday! We are off to a huge lacrosse tournament in Maryland and will return on Sunday hopefully in time to make it to a BBQ- Hope you have some fun plans for the weekend! ?I first discovered Sandra’s work because someone I know used her firm to decorate her magnificent home. I was most […]

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