Tag: Bauble stockings

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 15

  **For anyone who ordered our beautiful chinoiserie trees and ornaments, we finally got them in. I was beside myself as they were in customs for over 2 weeks. For every day that they stayed there, I probably grew a few gray hairs. They finally came in and all are shipping on Monday with a […]

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Our incredible Bauble Stockings presale is on!!!!!

Our incredible Bauble Stockings presale is on!!!!!
Comments : 5

Hello!  You are you in for a beautiful treat. It might seem nuts to be talking Christmas in Sept (well, not to all you early bird planners, which I wish I was one of) but this is a special presale before our order of these truly incredible stockings arrive. We will  likely do a reorder […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 10

Hello friends!! iHope this finds you doing well and enjoying your Labor Day weekend. I don’t know about you but the second half of summer just flew by entirely too fast. I even saw scented pine cones in my market the other day,  I am finally getting over seeing the Halloween candy aisles but pine […]

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