Tag: food

Late week random musings…

Comments : 26

Hi there and happy Thursday evening! We are having the most spectacular fall weather, every single day as of late as been a perfect “10”. As I periodically do…. I like to share random musings mostly taken with my trusty little iPhone. Since I spent a good part of this week and all last weekend […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 27

Good Sunday evening and Labor Day weekend to you. Boy I am squeezing this “Sunday on Seven” in just in the nick of time:)? I really missed being on my blog, we are enjoying a wonderful holiday weekend by the lake….so relaxing. Thank you for bearing with me as my site was transferred to a […]

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A winner and random musings as seen through my iPhone

Comments : 17

Hello and happy Friday! The first order of business is to announce the winner of my Blue and White Love contest! With over a record 3200 votes, the winner? is…….   CONGRATULATIONS CHERYLE! Congratulations! Your picture is spectacular (loved seeing my emperors on your table)? please contact me at [email protected] to arrange for shipment of […]

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