Tag: Instagrams of Interest

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 14

Hi there, woke to frost on the ground and cars…one step closer to snow! I hope you are having a great weekend. Mine has been quite nice , a wonderful dinner and drinks with friends last night in NYC and today we are heading back into NYC trip to actually do a little holiday shopping, […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 13

I will be having a Cyber Monday sale on my entire shop site! Starting midnight tonight until midnight tomorrow, Monday. Every single item in my shop site will be 20% no exceptions! Great time to shop:)   Hi there, by the time you read this I will be away and? hopefully basking in the warm […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 17

Hi happy Sunday to you. First things first….the winner of the blue and white vase!! Congrats goes to- #4? Marianne says: Item 12~~ the colourful ginger jar is stunning. Love how the design and color bring the characters alive!?? Just beautiful. ? Please contact me at [email protected] to provide your shipping details.   Before I […]

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