Tag: kitchens


Comments : 5

Hi there, remember these? Yes the fun posts where we each get to choose a favorite of a particular subject. Today thought it would be fun to feature kitchens. Imagine, tomorrow with a magic wand, you are granted a brand new kitchen. Which would you choose? I see something in each and every one of […]

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Let’s talk kitchen design!

Let’s talk kitchen design!
Comments : 14

Good morning, hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Felt like we were fully headed into fall but alas summer temps are back. Hopefully not for too long as I love fall weather and am eagerly awaiting it! I am continuing on with my kitchen series because kitchens seem to be a subject that everyone […]

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Let’s talk kitchen design!

Let’s talk kitchen design!
Comments : 20

Hello and Happy Thursday!  Love looking at pretty kitchens? Then sit back,  take 15 and enjoy this parade of beautiful kitchen ideas. Today we continue on with even more beautiful kitchen ideas to ooh and ahh over. I am going to be doing periodic posts on kitchen/kitchen design as a new series and if you […]

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