Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 19

Well hello and happy Sunday! The sun is shining bright and the temps are supposed to be warming up considerably this week, finally! Though overall it really was not a bad winter, and in truth I cannot complain. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, ours has been relaxing and easy, just the way I […]

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Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Comments : 38

Good Wednesday morning! Very busy week on this end…..working fast and furious on various design projects which of course I love to do (one peril is finding way too many things I want for myself in the process), oversaw a warehouse clean up in anticipation of three containers arriving within the next 4-6 weeks…gotta make […]

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Comments : 22

Hi friends and happy Sunday to you. Finally we have gotten some moderate weather and it feels amazing! Has me dreaming a bit of spring and getting outdoors, planting flowers, al fresco meals, losing the big heavy jackets and gloves,? I could go on! Hope whatever you are up to this weekend is fun and […]

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