Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 27

Good Sunday evening and Labor Day weekend to you. Boy I am squeezing this “Sunday on Seven” in just in the nick of time:)? I really missed being on my blog, we are enjoying a wonderful holiday weekend by the lake….so relaxing. Thank you for bearing with me as my site was transferred to a […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 16

  Hi there, hope this finds you well and enjoying your weekend. Hard to believe we are down to the last few weekends of summer isn’t it? I still have some “unfinished business” aka more time at the beach, books to read, lobster roll binges and late afternoon cocktails:) As I do every Sunday here […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 17

Good Sunday morning to you…hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Here, getting back in the saddle with a lot of work on my desk but having had 5 days to decompress and disconnect a bit from my everyday life has allowed me to come back and approach it with new vigor and enthusiasm, so […]

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