Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 14

Hi there and happy Sunday morning to everyone! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.? First off time to announce the lucky winner of the beautiful peony bouquet from The French Bee. Congratulations goes to- #28 Frances Sankey says: ? My heart skips a beat with boxwood?s. I love them all but this one makes […]

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My most exciting announcement ever!

Comments : 19

Hi friends, well I have been chomping at the bit to put this post together and tell you about this wonderful announcement for some time now. This is VERY exciting news I have to share today. I officially have the very first container arriving in about 6-8 days with over 500 of the most beautiful […]

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Midweek random musings…..

Comments : 29

Hi there friends!? Finally I am starting to be on the mend, I am not quite 100% but feel like I am almost there, guess all that rest paid off!? As I periodically do I come up with these random posts. A little of this and a bit of that, a great way to share […]

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