Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Random musings from my iPhone…..

Comments : 21

Hi there! Raining, dark and dreary over here but better than snow so no complaints whatsoever.? Busy day ahead, wish I could stay home in my pjs all day……sounds dreamy! What would I do without my iPhone? I think I could seriously do without the talking on it but could never EVER imagine not having […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 12

Hi friends, how are you? Well, here we are digging out of getting another 6″ of snow Friday night! Yes crazy I know,? but seriously nothing surprises me about this winter. Old man winter just doesn’t want to leave. Here’s to spring coming and staying for good! Even normally patient Mr. Teddy has had quite […]

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Snow storms and tulips……

Comments : 25

Hi there and happy Friday afternoon. This was an unexpected post but if I told you there is a raging snow storm outside, would you believe me? I thought so…yes its true. It’s snowing on this first day of spring…..I don’t even have the words.? Hot off the presses from a few hours ago…. The […]

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