Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

All about e design…..

Comments : 18

Hello there from snowy NY. Yes, we got even more snow but? at this point when you have nearly a foot on the ground already, what’s another 4 or 5 inches? Spring cannot come soon enough! Winter is for the hawks I mean birds, speaking of hawks……how exciting was that Superbowl? I could not get […]

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A very exciting new addition to The Enchanted Home and a giveaway!

Comments : 158

And no it’s not another? another blue and white ginger jar. The new addition I am referring to and bursting at the seams to tell you all about is the newest product over at my online shop. M O N O G R A M M E D?? N A P K I N S!!!! […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 19

Hi there. Thank you so much for all of your kind comments about my foyer, I was touched and so happy that you love it as much as I do:) If you missed my foyer reveal, click here. Snowy but beautiful weekend over here, got about 4″ of the white stuff and I cannot lie, […]

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