Comments : 138

**OUR OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, DEC 31ST AND TUES, JAN 1ST FOR THE NEW YEAR HOLIDAY. We will reopen Wed, Jan 2nd and all emails and voicemails will be returned at that time**

To celebrate the new year, the entire shop is 20% off (ends tonight)!  Great day to treat yourself to something you may have had your eye on, code celebration. Click here to visit shop

Hello and Happy New Year’s Day……when you read this I will have been away at one my favorite spots, my  home away from home, Palmetto Bluff where we will ring in the new year for some much  needed R and R. It was a last minute change in plans as we were supposed to go to Argentina and as much as I was looking forward to going, in terms of sheer relaxation,  I can’t think of a place I would rather start 2019 in than beautiful, idyllic Palmetto Bluff.

I prepared this ahead of time and fingers crossed it posts when it’s supposed to. Hard to believe that we are down to the last day of 2018.. Overall it has been a great year, one filled with so many wonderful “highs” and thankfully not too many “lows”. But I have a feeling that 2019 is going to be even better:)

I am grateful that you were there with me along for the ride to share in so many adventures, many more to come.  As I have done the last few years, I like to feature a favorite post or two for every month from the last year (had a hard time choosing as there were many) and a few personal reflections after that, on both things I have learned this year as well as things I aspire to achieve in the new year.

I want to thank each and every one of you for following along, sharing this fun and sometimes crazy journey with me. Having thousands of virtual friends from all around the world makes me feel like the luckiest girl! I can’t imagine life without my blog and shop, a true purpose for me in my life and I feel so fortunate to have found my calling and something I truly love doing! Best is yet to come, I promise:)

And onto some favorite posts from each month of 2018 to reflect back on-



JANUARY My Christmas party recap from Dec 2017 click here


FEBRUARY This Bluff Diaries post is when things really started happening over in PB, it was an exciting time, click here


MARCH  Started my “blue and white lovers club” and love that we have a place to celebrate our incurable affliction:) Click here

Also a big fan of Mary McDonald …such talent! Click here


APRIL Derby Style,  Ahhh that Kentucky Derby, love everything about it. and this post was devoted to all things Derby, click here


MAY  Buffalo checks, always loved them and still do. This post talks about how they are timeless in my book, click here

and had to share this post on an enchanted afternoon where I hosted a group of lovely ladies for lunch, click here

JUNE  This is the post on the white party we threw for my sons college graduation, click here

And of course have to include this post on the “Teddy Takeover” click here


JULY  Lusting for lacquer, loved it then and still do more than ever! Click here


AUGUST My New York, a post I did on my perspective on NYC and things to see, do and taste. Click here

Also  loved this post on Lusting for lemons, such a fresh look at how to use them! Click here

SEPTEMBER Of course Teddy’s one year memorial post was the highlight of the entire year, looking back on the life he lived and that we were so lucky to share with him makes me smile every time I see it, click here


Created this post, party planning 101 in response to many general questions I get about tips and tricks when  planning a party, click here

Also did this post on fabric lampshades, and just months ago announced I am coming up with my own line of them! Click here

OCTOBER A few times a year I create a little newsletter announcing all that is new and exciting, past and present. This was a fun post for me as it highlughted how far my little business has come:) Click here


NOVEMBER Did this post “A guide to decorating a Christmas tree” by popular demand, and its good to have as a reference for Christmas 2019! Click here

Also enjoyed doing this post, “Setting a blue and white table” click here


DECEMBER Of course loved many of my posts in December since it celebrates the glorious season of Christmas, this one highlights all my decor. I was late to the starting gate but it did get done! Click here



  • I learned how important it is to work hard but to also recognize that when you need a break, you need to acknowledge it and take it. Amazing what things like a 25 minute power nap can do, a day off all to yourself, turning off your phone for a few hours, just taking a time out for however long you feel is appropriate. I would say 2018 is the year I got a lot better at doing this and it pays back in spades:)


  • Quality over quantity. I feel this way more than ever about everything- food, I like quality food and good ingredients and believe you get what you pay for. Friends- I like having my close inner circle of friends who are tried and true vs too many, clothing- I love the feeling of something well made, I believe here too you get what you pay for. When it comes to trends it can be fun to throw something in that is not super expensive but for the long haul I prefer to invest in good classic pieces from clothes to handbags.


  • Starting early! This is a BIG one for me. Being a retailer and now a wholesaler, there is that inevitable learning curve. And I have taken my notes and checked them twice:) So much so, that i am already planning on holiday 2019! So many exciting things lie ahead, cannot wait to share. Suffice to say you will start hearing me talk about Christmas in Aug/Sept and for our wholesale customers we will have products to ship late summer!


  • Seize the day! As I get older I realize more and more the important to take advantage of every opportunity that is out there for the taking. Travel, I LOVE to travel. I hate to fly though:( I have a son who will not get on a plane and hasn’t for 6 years,  so this has kept us from taking the family trips we used to take which I miss terribly. Come 2019 however, my husband and I vowed with or without them we are going to get back to more travel…there are still so many places I want to see and discover!


  • Set a personal goal for yourself.  Any goal. I made 2018 the year for me to get healthy and it was the very best decision I made all year. I had never worried about my weight and honestly ate way more than I should have. But eventually things slow down and those reckless eating habits catch up. I wanted to lose a certain amount of weight and get back to my size 8 and I did it. I did not look at it so much as a diet but a lifestyle change. I feel better than I have in years and to me, there is no greater investment than in ones health.


  • If you go through life assuming everyone is fighting some kind of a battle, big or small and help when you can, you just never know the power of your giving someone a break. Without going into details, someone I knew I could sense needed help, too proud to talk about it,  I insisted and once we got past that barrier, and I learned the extent to which they were suffering, it astounded me and made me so grateful that I listened to my inner voice. I think there are many examples and opportunities, some very small and some more profound like this out there for us all to be able to participate in. If and when you can, help, give and donate and I don’t mean just with money, I mean with your time and attention. There is a lot of need out there and to me nothing feels as good as knowing you have possibly made a small difference in someones life and have given them hope, even if just a sliver.


  • Be kind and practice every day kind gestures. We live in a mean world. Look on social media, and how people talk to each other, the horrible things they feel so entitled to say. It shocks me really. It is a sad new reality and one which I will not play into. My motto if is you have nothing nice to say than move on and I really mean it. So get used to saying nice things, trying to see the good and positive in other people and not be afraid to say it or compliment someone. When you feel good about yourself, you want that feeling to be contagious and to pass it onto others. Our world today is tough enough to navigate through without the added stress of judgement and belittling from others. I think at the end of the day, almost everyone is simply doing the best they can.


  • Be authentic. I feel like our world has become a very inauthentic place. Where people can hide behind screens of many sorts,manipulate their online images to reflect someone they may not be. To aspire to celebrities who’s lives are often manufactured and whose very appearance is really if truth be told,  the masterful work of several “artists” who prod and pull on them every day. Doesn’t sound very glamorous to me. We all have our shortcomings, I love and gravitate towards those who understand and don’t run from a little self deprecation. It is refreshing because in a world where perfection is the goal, we are all very much imperfect and that will never change. So to find authentic people and voices is to me, a real prize. You never have to cover up how you might look or apologize for things you might say because when you are authentic, there is no hiding or illusions. It is the real you, out there for the world to see and accept or not.


  • Be healthy! No matter your age, it is never too late to get healthy. I have always knock on wood been a healthy person. But I didn’t always eat the right foods. Yes I love bread, chocolate and cheese. But yes, those are also a fast track to weight gain. This past year I decided to really educate myself on nutrition and watched several excellent documentaries, read books, went to a nutritionist and educated myself. There are things I no longer eat (sugar for one) and many things I eat very very little of but I have also added several healthy new things that I love eating to my diet and that insure I am never hungry. It is a lifestyle change and one I will never regret. No time like the present! People make these lifestyle type changes all the time with great success (when really motivated)


  • Be the change you want see in the world (a favorite quote from Ghandi) Life is not always fair, while I may always show the beauty, good and inspiring on my blog, I have problems and hiccups just like anyone else. My blog and shop have become my happy place and are literally therapeutic. If I am going through something difficult, when I enter my office, it is like I enter into a different mindset. I am by nature,  a positive person and while I recognize not everyone is like me, it doesn’t; stop me from thinking like I do. I wont change that because it makes me happy and gets me through a day. In part,  this is my nature but also I owe it to a friend- I have a friend who is the most positive person I have ever met. I have seen her look through some mighty rosy glasses when things in her life really challenged her. I always admired her ability to do that. She sees the good in people, doesn’t have a jealous bone in her body and looks at life as a beautiful gift even when things are not going as planned. I have learned from her and try to lead by example and feel lucky to have her as a friend.


  • Lastly, being in my 50’s I have a fair number of friends and relatives who have lost a parent or in some cases both. Some have lost siblings or children (especially tragic). It has been heartbreaking to see their pain which never really leaves but gradually over time, subsides. Through their losses, I realized how precious life is, how time can be fleeting and how important it is to hold those we love close and not let go. If it means calling a parent when your not in the mood to talk, just to say hi, just do it. That two minute conversation can easily be the highlight of their day.  I am certainly not saying anything that isn’t said ad nauseam, just saying it as a reminder to myself to make every minute count and never let a day go by without checking in to tell someone you care about,  that you love them and your thinking of them. To make quality family time as often as you can. You don’t want to look back and feel like you could have and should have done more. Family first. Always, they are the only ones we’ve got.


  • I will never stop praying for peace and for people to just go back to being kind to one another, simple decency and civility. I can only hope there might be a slow revolt in progress with people of all generations tired of the instant gratification era and maybe just maybe start engaging more in eye to eye contact instead of screen to screen (myself included here)!



One lucky winner is going to win a beautiful new porcelain vase from our newest collection OR one of new newest gorgeous silver trays (winners choice). All you need to do to enter is-

1. Click here to visit the shop

2. Poke around and come back and tell me an item or two you love

3. Leave your comment (if using a first name please add your last name initial)

4. Check back on Sunday morning where I will announce the winner!


And that’s a wrap on this very first day of 2019. I plan on making every day count and am starting 2019 with a bang. Already many exciting new items in the works and there will be no grass growing under my feet:) That said, I also plan to take time outs when I feel I need it and that includes more vacations:)

Thank you once again for following along with me, it’s been such fun to share life and life’s journeys with so many of you.. I appreciate your loyalty, friendship, encouragement and inspiration…..YOU are the ones who motivate me! Would love to hear what your reflections are and what your wishes are going forward into this exciting new year.  Cheers to a fabulous 2019!


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Hi, Tina – My heart speeds up when I see the pair of beautiful Bird Ginger Jars. Wishing you a very happy 2019!

Thank you for sharing your heart on this blog! Your words are very inspiring and you have a gift of connecting with people through written word! I love all things blue and white and I look forward to reading your blog daily!

Thank you Tina for your words of wisdom! Those are truly things to aspire to. I especially love the murals with the fretwork frames in your shop. I also adore the blue and white foo dogs. Thank you for teaching us how to create a gracious and welcoming home environment.

Happy New Year and Peace on Earth. Although it is no longer in stock one of my personal favorites is the Grand Pagoda.

I love the pair of bird ginger jars, and the new lampshades, too. Happy New Year!

Well said on your words of wisdom! I still adore the bird ivory garden seat. Happy New Year and may you continue to be healthy, happy and successful. Knowing you, you will have a great 2019!

My Choice is anything tole…especially the pale blue scalloped containers. So calming and so Spring! A white orchid display in one of these these containers is just beautiful.

Tina, I love, love, love ? your lamp shades! And the linens are to die for with great monograms. Just so classic.

Tina, thanks for all your inspiration. Your happiness and good will are contagious. A couple of my favorites are the Mini foo dogs and your provence planters. Wishing you the best in 2019.

Wishing you and your a Very Happy & Healthy New Year. So glad I came across your blog. You have inspired me in so many ways. Love everything in your shop, especially your lanterns.
Keep doing what you do. Your taste in everything is amazing. Looking forward to the new year to see what you have in store for us!

I really love your tabletop lamps and fish bowl planters. Happy New Year! I look forward to your new posts in 2019!
Deri T.

Of course everything in your shop is wonderful! My choices are the extra large chunky crackled grey ginger jars and the crackled white ones too. I keep wondering which ones you have in you PB home behind the sofa…I can’t decide. Also the white ginger jars with the gold touches. Happy New Year in S.C.! I am across the river on Wilmington Island (outside of Savannah) and the weather is most perfect! You really lucked out!

I love the silver hurricane candle holder. I can imagine the glimmer it would reflect. Also alway appreciate your sage advice. Happy New Year!

Teri W.

Happy New Year and thank you for your blog, I read each and every posting. I love your shop, and I absolutely love all your ginger jars. They are so timeless and fit into any decor!

I have experienced the loss of both my parents and 6 years ago my husband of 38 years to an insidious disease—stomach cancer. He was misdiagnosed by doctors at a famous hospital. He was treated for bad acid reflux while the tumor spread for over a year. The loss of him changed my life forever and I will never be the same. I am in my 60s, and have started to have some health problems after spending my life not even breaking a bone. In June I had to have cervical spine surgery due to bone spurs compressing on nerves and making my arms hurt intolerably. Now, after 3 years of cortisone and gel injections, and the COOLIEF nerve ablation procedure that provided very little relief, I have to have BOTH my knees replaced—the first one on February 4. The bone on bone knee pain has been causing me to avoid doing things I love to do—travel and sightseeing. When it starts to affect your quality of life it is time. I am getting CONFORMIS knee replacements—they do a CT scan and 3-D image an exact duplicate of your knee so they don’t have to try to make a standard size knee replacement fit. The recovery will be a challenge, but it has to be done. I will be glad to have it all over (they will do them 3-4 months apart), and be able to enjoy being active again. So I am waiting for 2020 to get here!

Happy New Year, Tina. Your faux boxwood ball topiary in a choice of sizes appear truly real and the prices are reasonable as well. I have one on my wish list for the New Year. My very best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year go out to you and your family.

So many beautiful things! I love your shop! Today, I think the Songbird Ginger Jar looks magnificent! Many happy returns for a fabulous 2019!

Happy New Year, Tina! Let’s hear it for 2019. I love so much in your shop it is hard to narrow it down…but, I love your boxwoods, your silver chargers, your candles and the list go on. Totally enjoy your posts and your Instagrams. Thanks, Tina! —Mary Lu B.

Happy New Years!!! It is so much fun to see the year in review. Love the ginger jars!

What a beautiful post! Your personal reflections on 2018 is something I will be sharing with both family and friends. Such great words of wisdom and will be an inspiration to many! Love the Chippendale gallery tray. Best wishes for the New Year,

Happy New Year!
I love the porcelain pottery, especially the elegant garden seat with the unique white insert/cutout.

The Silver Scalloped Table Top Lamps… I ordered a pair of them before Christmas. They’re absolutely beautiful and made our holiday table so festive this year. I’ll definitely add more to my collection. Thank you for the lovely posts and the inspiring words. Happy New Year

I love the very large pots that I put topiaries, palms and tree roses in around my house and garden. And, I love all sizes and types of foo dogs.

Good morning and happy new year, Tina. We live in a world of hurry where thrown-together is defined as casual and elegance is called stuffy. You have the knack for combining the practical without sacrificing elegance and grace. The pair of large hurricanes exemplify practical simplicity with that elegance. A simple candle in each, a pile of fresh fruit or pumpkins, or winter greens and berries suit any occasion. I can easily see those hurricanes as my “go to” focal piece in any situation including the patio. Thank you for helping all of us, your readers, wend our way through a hectic Instagram society while maintaining the grace and dignity of the past.

I’m not a very reflective person as maybe I should be & agree w/all of what you said so sincerely. Borrowed this quote from friend’s post for the New Year: Last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning. T.S. Eliot
Cheers to a New Year!
The quatrafoil planters are lovely as well as the mint julep cups

Happy New Year! I love the village flat top jar, the large village scene bowl and the pagoda salt and pepper shakers! Love the inspiration from your blog.

Another wise post! You make me want to try harder at EVERTHING!!
Foo dogs are still on of my favorites??

Happy 2019 and all the best for an exciting year. Ralph Lauren vases remain a favorite as do the silver lamps. Looking forward to the new lampshades. Anita M

Such wonderful words of wisdom and beautiful pictures. I agree that we need to get back to being kinder to each other. I have made a resolution to work on losing weight this year. Love seeing pics of Teddy.

Happy 2019!

Happy New Year to you! Enjoy your time in PB; I grew up on the coast of SC and it is a wonderful place!
I am a big fan of your orchids! I have owned some good ones, but it’s about time to refresh 🙂

Cannot go wrong with all of those amazing custom florals, especially the multiple white orchids in the blue and white porcelain planters……they just go everywhere and are so lifelike….always perks me up when I see them.

Happy new year, Tina! Thank you for bringing elegant beauty and classic blue and white into our homes. Your pieces are divine, and there are always two or three items calling my name! Thai I’m loving the straight sided medium blue and white planter. I picture it with some fresh and bright impatiens to put on an entrance table or garden table. All the best to you for 2019!

Happy New Year to you! May it be the very best. I plan to enjoy one thing each day and be thankful for that.
I love all your silver platters. They are stunning!

Good morning, and wishing a Happy New Year to you and your family. I really loved what you wrote. As we get older, we begin to recognize what is really important in life, and if you are lucky enough to have family, all the more blessings! I am not one to make New Year resolutions, but I like what you said about in general, just to eat better and take care of yourself. As far as your shop, everything is really delightful, and we can tell that you put a lot of thought into what goes in your shop. I continue to add to my porcelain collection, so my next just my be the antique village bowl.

Happy New Year to you and your family. Always look forward to your posts that focus on beauty. I love those beautiful ginger jars that you sell in your shop!

Thank you Tina for inspiring me to have my Mothers silver tea and coffee set polished professionally so I can now use the set and think how happy my Mother would be if she were here to see her silver set look so beautiful. I did end up ordering your silver wine/plant holder. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2019!!

Thank you for review of last year activities!! Boy, you are one busy girl. Love anything blue and white BUT that garden seat with the dragon is calling my name.
Happy, healthy, and a peaceful New Year!!!

Thank you for a beautiful reflection today, Tina. All things that we need to consider each day. Everything in your shop is so lovely that making a decision is difficult! I particularly love the bench that you have used on your front porch at PB. It is classic and elegant. Happy New Year!

Thanks too for your thoughtful words. Love the blue and white foo dogs. Hoping to increase my collection this year. Started it close to 35 years ago. One of design choices that never goe s out of style. Tanks for everything you do

Grateful for many things on this New Years Day! And finding you and your blog is one!

Happy New Year! Love the small silver tabletop lamps & the porcelain ivory Staffordshire-type dogs! Hard to choose since so many items in your shop are lovely!

I love the bell jar lamps and hope to have them hanging in my bathroom in the next year. Of course a few blue and white planters to go along with them.

Happy New Year, Tina! Hope you’re enjoying your time in PB. I always love the blue and white garden seat and the Melamine dinnerware. I have 4 dinner plates and use them everyday!

I love your bell jars! I have one already and was thing about getting a few for my hallway. ?

What a beautiful way to start the New Year…thank you for this blog…I popped over to your online shop and love the brass and lucite coffee table…have a beautiful New Year’s Day!!!

Happy New Year, Tina! I just started following your blog this past year. I must say it is as inspirational as my favorite decor magazines. I keep coming back to the Mid sized hydrangea arrangement with that soft blue/green color. The Artichoke and Magnolia Leaf arrangement is so unique too. It is clear that you love what you are doing and I wish you much success in 2019.

The beaded silver lamps are perfect as are the silver bowls and trays. I look forward reading your blog posts, always fun and entertaining.

I love so much in your shop. I love the individual soup tureens that are in your post, “An Enchanting Afternoon”. I can’t find them in your shop. I would really like to have those.

Happy Blue and White New Year 2019
The navy blue and white figurine ginger jar is wonderful!.. as is everything on the site!

Thank you for sharing your reflections – very inspiring to all. I like anything featuring birds – the midsize jar and the two pheasant vases are favorites. Happy 2019!

Happy New Year! I love the village scene salt and pepper shakers, and really all of the blue and white items.

I love all things blue and white so choosing only one or two from your shop is difficult to say the least! However, I am always a fan of the flat shaped ginger jar (bird mid sized flat top ginger jar). Their rounded shape seems to always blend well, and this one in particular has such a beautiful design. I also very much love a blue and white vessel with an orchid-always good in any space!(Two stem orchid in mid size hexagon planter). Love the hexagon with this…

I LOVE the ornaments and the sweet sweet bunnies!!! Thanks for continuing and loving to do your blog! I always look forward to reading it…Thank you for your reflections….Yes, a kinder world is so very needed! I agree…..and kinder is so much easier than mean…I don’t understand the meaness! Happy New Year, and thanks for spreading your kindness!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I love everything you offer…especially the Provence Planters and the blue and white garden village seat…but most especially your posts. especially this one. I soooo look forward to opening and reading your posts. They are heartfelt and strike a chord:)

Happy New Year and thanks for your thoughtful and inspiring words of wisdom.
We’re moving to a new (old) house in the new year, and I’m using your rooms as my inspiration, especially the blue and white rooms. In the new year, I hope to add your Floral Provence Planter to my sunroom!

Happy, happy new year!
What a simply beautiful post…
Your personal reflections were amazing and heartfelt.
Love the new blue and cream lanterns and French planter boxes…lovely

I am just starting to collect Blue & White. Have three nice Pieces so far- oh my the Collectors “sets”- are gorgeous and a good way to get a perfect grouping!! I love the ones with the included Pairs of Ginger Jars, {they are all sold out}. I love this Blog – all like a dream! The Christmas Tree decorations in the blue and white little Ginger Jars – oh I would love too!! Thanks for this opportunity and Giveaway- This beautiful Blog place also!! If I were to be selected,- I would Love the paneled large Jar!! Thanks much,-Valery S.

oh my. it’s really hard to pick one thing that makes my heart go pitter patter but at 64, I’m trying to cut down on clutter (code for dusting) however, i.keep looking at the mini foo dogs. I can see them intermingled among my blue and white.
Happy New Year, Tina to you and yours.
Bonne annèe

The garden seats will be my next purchase. Blessings to you and your family during 2019!

Wonderful reflections, Tina, in both word and pictures! A lifestyle change is one of my new goals, too, following a shocking diagnosis of early coronary heart disease. All I have to do is eliminate the fats and white flour/pasta/rice, substitute whole grains, and add yoga to my ballet stretches — not to mention maintain a more positive attitude toward society. As you stated, “be the change you want to see” in the world. Amen to that!

I am impressed with everything, but I am drawn to the ornate silver chargers.
Thank you for the timely reminders about making time for what is important.

Dear Tina,
Thanks for you blog. I read every single one! My favorite from your shop are the foo dogs!!!

Hi Tina, Thank you for your beautiful photos, images and inspiration that provides joy to your readers.
Everything is lovely and hard to pick just a few. I discovered your blog recently and look forward to reading it daily. Your reflections on 2018 post is well said- Happy New Year!

I couldn’t stand it any longer! I just had to have the silver chargers!
Ever since seeing them on your table, I decided someday I was going to purchase them. Voila! 20% off…thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️

Thank you for taking the time to write about your thoughts on the past year. Such good ideas and good reminders for all of us! Looking forward to all your new posts in the coming year!

Hi Tina! Happy New Year! I love blue and white anything, but I’m head over heels for dragon the dragon vase!

Happy New Year! I know it’s a small item, but I really like the mint julep cups with the wreath on them. Both sizes would be so handy at Christmas time, for bread sticks, celery or carrot sticks, or flowers. I have one in my bathroom that holds cotton swabs and it looks so nice.

I have had my eye on your brass bar cart.It would be such a fun project to accessorise it and useful when entertaining.
Thank you for the beauty you share on Instagram it inspires me in my world.
Happy New Year for 2019!

I love the gorgeous Imari bowl. And it still makes me sad to see pictures of your special Teddy. I have tears in my eyes right now! Please get another dog because you love them like I do.

Thank you for this inspiring post! As far as favorites., currently wishing for your chargers!

Thank you for your positivity and kindness in a world of negativity! You are a bright shining example! I am a blue and white aficionado. Anything blue and white makes me smile!

I am in love with your chinoiserie art. Trying to find a place in my home for one of the framed pieces. Your comment about simple decency and civility speaks to my heart. So hoping 2019 is an improvement and I am committed to doing my part in that arena. Happy New Year!

Hi Tina! Happy New Year!! I want to tell you that I love the recipes that you so graciously share with us. Please share more this year as I am recently married and loving cooking like never before. I really like the chunky dragon jar and the white planter. Also, from all of your pictures , you have a beautiful home. Truly blessed. Thanks
Bridgette McBryde

I always enjoy your blog. Your photos make me smile and typically give me a boost to get my house in order!

Thank you for such fresh reminders about loving on our family and friends and taking care of ourselves in the new year! I am always yearning to be able to get my first tulipierre and those silver planters are exquisite.

As always Tina Blue and White can not be beat…. I would love the vase as a New Years present to myself.
Every thing is gorgeous on your site.
Thanks Happy New Year!
L Miller

I really can’t get enough of your beautiful blue and white prcelain of every size and shape. All of it is such great quality and so timeless. Thank you for being such a great source to be able to purchase with so much variety. Happy New Year!

Lovely post Tina. I particularly like your Reflections of 2018. Seems bottom line is be nice to all and your self. So missing in the world today.

Love your shop. Especially like the Walden and Dunbar Sconces. Loved all the Beaded Tabletop Lamps. I also am a proud Golden Retriever Mama so the Teddy Pet Bowls are wonderful.
Happy New Year to you and best wishes for a peaceful and joyful 2019

Karen S
I love your Provence planters and the silver chargers. I enjoy your blog and The Bluff diaries. PB is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with your readers.

I love reading your blog. You are such an authentic person who inspires us to be better and believe in ourselves. Everyone can benefit from that. I looked through the statuary section of your shop. My thoughts are going to the outdoors and Spring. They are all beautiful. I especially love the classic urns.

Love, love the boxwoods. A Blessed and Beautiful New Year and then I’llo all those whom you love!

The bird Ginger Jar is lovely. Wishing you and yours a blessed and happy 2019.

thank you for sharing your love of blue and white with all of us. Your linens are so beautiful; my favorite are the chole placemats and napkins, thank you for showing us how to set a beautiful tablescape.

I am in love with your square charger plates. But more than anything, I am glad to have found your site because of posts like this one for the new year
You have eloquently stated so many of the things I believe. Family is always no. one; kindness and consideration of others is always a must! I, too, have been fortunate enough to have a friend who is a constant reminder of the choice you have to be positive. No matter what you are dealing with, someone is always worse off. There is no excuse for bringing others down. I make a conscious effort to get past whatever is going on and try to be a positive person who others can rely on. Life and health are truly gifts!

I absolutely love the lampshades and and your white themed graduation party. Buon Anno!

Thanks for your inspiring words!
I too hate to fly but love to travel. But I decided my love of travel is greater than my fear! And that can be applied to lots of things too.
Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you and all of your family. I love getting your posts, they bring a touch of glam and elegance to the day. Though I don’t have quite the same budget as you, I can often glean some great ideas to incorporate such as setting up different heights for serving dishes on a buffet or adding a pretty ornament to a present along with the tag. Living elegantly is a mindset and can be done on any budget. Your words of wisdom often remind me that living elegantly is not just about the physical surrounds, but also the mental and emotional surrounds such as taking time to do caring gestures, reaching out to be kind or helpful to people, giving the best of yourself.
Thank you for taking the time to create your beautiful posts.
I have indeed been poking around your shop and as it is summer in Australia we have been doing lots of outside eating, BBQs picnics, and parties and I have been attracted to your melamine collections. I love the new colorway on the drawing board from a recent post which is combining the best of the other three collections.
Everything in your shop is drool-worthy and covetable. There is one gap that I would love to see you fill, tissue box covers. Silver or porcelain would be gorgeous.
Best wishes for a fabulous year ahead in 2019.

Tina, what a beautiful post! I love all of the blue and white porcelain especially the garden seats. I also love the provincial planters. Happy New Year!
Gina P

Tina, what a beautiful post!
I love all of your blue and white porcelain especially the garden seats. I also love the provenance planters.
Gina P

Inspired! Let’s all see the good in people, pray a little more and love a little more in 2019. Wishing you a very happy New Year! My favs are the large village scene bowl, Provence planters and sconces, to name a few. Love your blog and all its rich content the most!

Happy New Year Tina!!! My favorite item in your store has always been the blue and white tulipieres, not only for their elegance but for their uniqueness.

Happy New Year 2019! Exited for another good year.
I like so many items in many catagories. It is a challenge to pick one.
In old world kitchen I covet dough them.
As I do all your planters and fishbowls for my orchids and citrus trees!
Now looking for one for my new olive and key lime.

So enjoy your posts. Everything is so lovely and inspirational. Thanks for sharing. Love the cone/ball mixed topiary.

Hi – I found your site and blog 3 weeks ago. I’ve been on multiple times a day since – as I poured over jars, vases, planters and topiaries. A pair of ‘Fabulous faux boxwood triple ball shaped topiary trees’ are ordered and will flank my double entry doors. Tonight I FINALLY made my choice of first ginger jar (the Fabulous Floral Ginger Jar). Thank you for your blog, inspiring pictures, and collection of lovely items. I can look for hours on your site (and have). Next up a smaller vase, orchid pot or jar to sit next to the 17.5″ Floral Ginger jar on my marble kitchen island; then a centerpiece or my 70″ table, and pair vases or flat-topped jars for my sideboard. It’s great to start fresh in the New Year – looking forward to spring flowers for my blue & white porcelains. Happy New Year.

Wishing you and your family a beautiful and blessed year ahead! I love and have so many pieces from your shop, but I’m still coveting the silver candle lamps! So perfect!!!

Beautiful, Tina. Thank you for the inspiration this last year. Happy 2019! Your ornaments graced my tree again this year and, of course, I had many oohs, and aahs. Thank you! Now an opportunity to win a silver tray…fingers crossed!

Another great New Years post reminding us all of the very important things in life. As far as favorites, anything blue and white or all the silver chargers are what I would choose.

I enjoyed reading your reflections on 2018. Love every single Foo Dog! The pale aqua crackled jar is charming, too. Cheers to you, Tina. Happy New Year.

Your written words have graced my world as smoothly as your beautiful treasures grace a home. May your new year, Miss Tina, be profoundly blessed for we need this beauty of both heart and home; be it silver, toile or blue and white. It’s all in the details. That is what we call ‘soul’.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I love your reflections on lessons learned in 2018; # 8 particularly resonates with me. I am a high school teacher and these kids struggle every day with their own identities. They don’t know who they are yet, but they spend all their time feeling inadequate and jealous of their instafamous idols. The pressure of social media really is a burden this generation has had to bear. I pray 2019 sees more social media trends toward the positive and authentic. Now on to your shop, I adore everything you sell and everything you post on your blog. I suppose I really love the grand pagoda most though it is no longer available. I also love all of the tulipieres.

Hi Tina,

I love your year end reflection. Well said and I couldn’t agree more. I think all of us have had a mother or grandmother who said “if you don’t have your health, you have nothing”! Hopefully, all of us can improve in some small way or give something positive in 2019.

I have been waiting for the “all white crackle ginger jar” to come back in stock. I’ve asked my husband to buy me a pair for a late Christmas present. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thank you for your personal reflections…echoing much of what I feel as well. Your blue and white porcelains are still my favorite things in your shop, especially your jars! Happy New Year!

Entering! The new porcelain vases are beautiful, I’ve always loved your garden stools & hand towels, and also your designed gift wrap tissue paper has been one of my favorites all year!

What a year! Thanks for sharing Tina 🙂 Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year ahead! ~ Leslie

Very inspiring post Tina. Thank you. One of my favorite items in your shop is your butterfly ginger jar.

Thank you sincerely for your well written sentiments . You penned exactly my feelings about life !!! You also expressed my concerns about the current social media and the fake appearances being portrayed daily. People need to get back to having real relationships with the people they live with instead of some lie online. I appreciate your words about health and taking time to rest. I am going to print your comments off and read and reread them often during 2019. May God bless you during the new year .

Great inspiring word of wisdom, and you are right on about everyone’s personal pain. I work in hospice care and there are so many forms of unspoken grief……thank you for your comments.

Favorites are always garden seats, and pierced silver trays.

I love Blue and White and I cannot just pick one thing. All the jars are beautiful. I have placed a order with for the blue and white ornaments and I am looking forward to receiving them.

I have always loved your Belljar lamps, particularly the feather one! Also drawn to the garden stools, but really…how to choose favorites? Loved your end of the year post, especially what you’ve learned and aim for in your personal life, thanks for always sharing beautiful things and thoughts! Kim M

I love everything Blue and White! I would have to say all the bird vases and jars are my favorites. It’s impossible to pick just one, just when I think I have a favorite you bring in new shipments with new porcelains that are just as beautiful if not more! Happy, Healthy New Year!

Happy Happy New Year! Those etched pierced silver planters always catch my eye. I have several ideas for their use and plants that could fit into them nicely!

Love it all! Go figure! Inspirational. I have an extra step in my walk this morning so, the decluttering begins so I can purchase a little something special! Blue and white perhaps? Happy 2019!

Tina, Happy New Year!
I love all your posts and the beauty that shines in all you do. I especially love your personal reflections on 2018. I bring many of your thoughts into my living well in 2019. Thank you.

I just adore the flat top bird ginger jars! Happy New Year! Bring on the blue (and white)!

Behind in my screen time so I am just now reading your New Years post. Perfect! Loved it! I have to agree with all your thoughts. Its good to know that there still are people who are trying and hoping for peace and goodness – with a bit of tolerance for all – in this world.
Wishing you the very best for 2019. And a big thank you for taking the time and your talents to inspire us.
– Another blue and white, cashmere-loving follower.

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