Happy birthday to me!!

Comments : 99

Today is my birthday and I am taking the day off from blogging to celebrate! Last night I was treated to a wonderful dinner with a group of friends from school, we have a tradition and have been doing this for years, it was so wonderful and I was showered with some amazing gifts! Today […]

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Things I am loving Saturday and house updates!!

Comments : 84

Good morning, hope you are having a wonderful week. I am sure like me, things are busy over there by you as this time of year tends to be a bit nuts for everyone, doesn’t it? For me, its been a combination of “house biz”, Christmas shopping, a few social things we were invited to […]

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One blog and a new fireplace!

Comments : 35

Good Sunday afternoon! So happy everyone enjoyed the “Ultimate fairytale part II yesterday” however I do want to clarify, it is just that…a fairytale and no the horse, “Pride” is not my horse, it was my horse in the fairytale. Damn, I really am a convincing story teller if I had a few of you […]

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