Guest posting today at Pretty Pink Tulips!

Comments : 27

Good morning…. I just have to say thank you so much, I really am convinced I have the best and kindest readers in all of blogland! I vented yesterday about having had a bad day and then becoming nostalgic over Halloween about my “boys” being men now and not having a little one to share […]

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Guest posting today at Pretty Pink Tulips!

Comments : 27

Good morning…. I just have to say thank you so much, I really am convinced I have the best and kindest readers in all of blogland! I vented yesterday about having had a bad day and then becoming nostalgic over Halloween about my “boys” being men now and not having a little one to share […]

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Random Saturday musings, a few questions answered and a hello

Comments : 62

Happy Saturday to you. I don’t know about where you are but over here they are predicting one heck of a nasty day…including cold rain, high winds and then get this eventually a wet driven SNOW! Yes you read right, its not even Halloween and they are talking snow! Up north and west, they are […]

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