Hear them roar!

Comments : 48

Good morning….so nice that its Friday. We are having a string of incredibly beautiful weather. 70’s, slightly breezy, sunny skies and NO HUMIDITY. This is key for me, I can deal wtih the heat but really have a problem wtih the oppressive humidity so I am loving this weather! So what are your thoughts on animal […]

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Hear them roar!

Comments : 46

Good morning….so nice that its Friday. We are having a string of incredibly beautiful weather. 70’s, slightly breezy, sunny skies and NO HUMIDITY. This is key for me, I can deal wtih the heat but really have a problem wtih the oppressive humidity so I am loving this weather!? So what are your thoughts on […]

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Things I am loving Thursdays and house update!

Comments : 36

Happy Thursday! I don’t know about you but I cannot believe we are in June. Where is 2011 going!! As I do on almost every Thursday post, I have included a few house updates. Things are definitely moving along, lots of finishing going on particularly upstairs, wood floors are finally totally done! Doors are hung, […]

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