Tag: Beauty files

Beauty files

Beauty files
Comments : 17

Hi friends,  hope this finds you doing well. We were going to hold our chinoiserie tole container sale today but are so busy with the arrival of the huge porcelain container than it’s all hands on deck to get all the orders out, so the tole sale will start next Monday (it will be an […]

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Beauty files

Beauty files
Comments : 8

Hello, haven’t done one of these in quite a while so thought it was due time. Plus in the meantime, I have tried some new products and come to a final verdict on a few others which I like to share. Plus I love hearing from you and what you can’t live without! I was […]

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Beauty files

Beauty files
Comments : 31

Hello and happy Wednesday! Hope you are having a nice afternoon. Periodically I like to break away from design and interiors and talk about another fun subject, beauty products! I take a high/low approach in that if I can find a product I love that I can buy at a local CVS  or order online […]

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