Tag: Classic Custom Metal Works

Bluff Diaries Chapter 39

Bluff Diaries Chapter 39
Comments : 48

Hello friends! Today marks a turning point in Bluff Diaries, last chapter it featured the actual move in date. This post today,  is about the next few days as we settled in a bit albeit with minimal furniture. We put some of our outdoor furniture in the living room until we get it in June, […]

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Bluff Diares Chapter 34

Bluff Diares Chapter 34
Comments : 48

Good Tuesday morning! I cannot believe we are on chapter 34. I love that you have been with me every step of the way from the first post where I announced we purchased land in PB.  And now,  here we are approaching the final home stretch. I was there last week and had such an […]

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Bluff Diaries Chapter 27

Bluff Diaries Chapter 27
Comments : 28

Good morning! Well, I must say this project is really chugging along. Having just been to PB last week, I got to see up close and personal just how things are moving along. I was thrilled with the progress and at the same time realized it is incredibly nerve wrecking to do this from afar! […]

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