Tag: fall

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 10

Hello! Don’t forget to turn those clocks back! Good luck to all the NYC marathon runners today, including a good friends son who is running his first today, go get him SZ!! When it gets dark before 5pm I literally wish I could go into hibernation for 3 months. I am already over winter and […]

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Fall around here….

Fall around here….
Comments : 5

Hello! Hope you are enjoying some nice fall watcher wherever you may be. Around here the temps are starting to dip and I have started going through my sweater collection, always a sure sign fall is here and a time of year I greatly anticipate. I also have started adding small touches around the house […]

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Announcing our Fall Love contest- now taking your entries!

Announcing our Fall Love contest- now taking your entries!
Comments : 3

  Hello everyone! Hope this finds you well and enjoying a beautiful fall season. Before we begin, late yesterday we finally got in our long awaited basket weave salt and peppers for all who have been waiting. These will be shipping out first thing Monday morning! Woo hoo….doing a happy dance after being held up […]

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