Tag: fashion

Golden Globes fashion recap!

Comments : 43

Hi there! Hope you had a great weekend. Well did you watch it……. The Golden Globes! I did from preshow (around 5pm all the way to the aftershows) almost midnight, call me a diehard or an insomniac. Or a bit of both. I do love all the pomp and circumstance that surrounds award season, it […]

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Late week random musings…..

Comments : 27

Hello and I am soooo happy it is Friday. I have been one busy lady this week, a little too busy and while I thrive on having a full schedule, this was, even for me a? lot. Very glad the week is behind me, that I pulled everything? off successfully that I had to do […]

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Random late week musings…

Comments : 12

Good Friday morning! Feels like forever since I did one of these. Playing catch up and have a few random odds and ends to share today, a short post for me but I will be back on Sunday with more and? a winner from my poll giveaway.? How has your week gone? Mine has been […]

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