Tag: home building

Bluff Diaries Chapter 32

Bluff Diaries Chapter 32
Comments : 22

Good Tuesday morning friends!  And how is your week going? Over here,  I am finally starting to be on the mend,  not quite 100% but getting there. It is gong to be a busy week between making up for lost time, having gotten the porcelain and chinoiserie tole shipments in. The porcelain sale will be […]

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Bluff Diaries Chapter 27

Bluff Diaries Chapter 27
Comments : 28

Good morning! Well, I must say this project is really chugging along. Having just been to PB last week, I got to see up close and personal just how things are moving along. I was thrilled with the progress and at the same time realized it is incredibly nerve wrecking to do this from afar! […]

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