Tag: horses

Rest in peace sweet Duke……

Comments : 38

Hi, a brief but sad post today. Many of you occasionally ask about Duke and I needed the right time and place to talk about him. I shared with you when I got my beautiful horse, Duke about 4  years ago. I had ridden when I was younger for years and loved it, always had […]

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Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 11

We were aware that the ability to pin from the blog was disabled. This should now be fixed. If anyone is having issues please let us know, [email protected]   Hello and happy Saturday,  hope this finds you doing well. Back to NY and back to real life. Came home to heaps of snow with quite […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 19

Hello and happy Sunday to you. Prepared this a few days ahead so hope it posts on time. We are in the full throes of fall and I am so loving it. My favorites temps hovering in the 60’s and 70’s, just enough for a light sweater but not too cold that you need a […]

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