Tag: skincare

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 8

Hello everyone! Hope this posts on time as I will be out of the country on my trip to Amsterdam when you see this. I will just be coming back and hopefully will be excited to tell you all about a wonderful and smooth trip.  Hope you are enjoying a wonderful spring weekend, weeks are […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 15

Hello on this first Sunday of the new year. I first want to announce the winner of our fabulous 2020 desktop calendar. Congratulations goes to- Sharon LaRoe  Just love your blog and your site! My friend told me about it and I am, and always have been, a blue and white lover! Thank you for […]

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Beauty files

Beauty files
Comments : 8

Hello, haven’t done one of these in quite a while so thought it was due time. Plus in the meantime, I have tried some new products and come to a final verdict on a few others which I like to share. Plus I love hearing from you and what you can’t live without! I was […]

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