Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Enchanted Home Shop musings, a poll and 2 giveaways!

Comments : 241

Good evening friends! Hope you are having a great week, mine has been off the charts busy but a good kind of busy:) Behind the scenes, my new site is being worked on….it is coming along with much work still to do and with luck it will launch on or around May 1st. I am […]

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My day at the NY flower market part 2!

Comments : 32

Hello and happy Monday afternoon! I hope  you had a wonderful Easter. First order of business is to announce the winner of the beautiful silver tray. Congratulations goes to… #151 ALLISON WEST Please contact me to provide your shipping details, as soon as the container arrives, your tray will be on it’s way to it’s […]

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A major presale on the most beautiful incoming silver container and a giveaway!

Comments : 158

This promotion as of March 28th is over, thank you for the amazing response. A one day sale will be held when the silver container actually arrives on or around April 12th. Thank you!   Hello friends! Waited a long time to present this to you and  am so excited about this incoming container of […]

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