Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

My gift to you and Enchanted Home shop biz…..

Comments : 60

Good morning! As we zero in on the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to thank you in advance for your continued friendship, support and loyalty. I was so fortunate over these last few years to have entered the world of blogging and e commerce.? Your loyalty and encouragement has truly sustained me and I am grateful:) […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 17

Hi happy Sunday to you. First things first….the winner of the blue and white vase!! Congrats goes to- #4? Marianne says: Item 12~~ the colourful ginger jar is stunning. Love how the design and color bring the characters alive!?? Just beautiful. ? Please contact me at [email protected] to provide your shipping details.   Before I […]

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Random musings from my iPhone and a winner!

Comments : 23

Hi there, first order of business is to announce the very lucky winner of the Dixie Design holiday card giveaway! Congratulations goes to…. #13 Alicia says: ?Oh my goodness, truly had a hard time choosing a favorite, and that is very unusual for me. I too share your love for beautiful cards and stationery. I […]

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