Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 23

Hello friends, how is your weekend going? Well I am still sick, its been one long week and could not have happened at a worst time, I had three anticipated events to go to plus the opening night party for the showhouse, all I had to miss. DON’T FORGET FINAL FEW HOURS TO ENTER THE […]

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14 fabulous ideas for Mom and a giveaway!

Comments : 32

Hi and happy Tuesday to everyone! Gorgeous day out there but unfortunately I came home yesterday with symptoms of getting some kind of flu/virus. Doing my best to take good care and hope this is short lived, have so much on my plate this week starting tomorrow until Sunday I need to be 100%! First […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 17

Hello!? First order of business is? to announce the lucky winner of the stunning tote giveaway by Huff Harrington. Congratulation goes to….. #106 Donna Levi says: ?Sweet finding Huff Harrington, thanks Tina! I loved their collection of artist works. Watchful Rest by Ewa Rzeznik would be my first pick Please email me at [email protected] to […]

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