Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 24

Hi there! How is your weekend going? And Valentines Day? Do anything special? We had a very cold Valentines Day (no surprise) with flurries but not the snow they said we could get (thankfully)? and met two of our closest friends for a fun and lively dinner. It is a tradition we have had for […]

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A VERY exciting new delivery of chinoiserie tole!!

Comments : 33

Hi there, well the last few days have been truly happy ones, due to the looooong awaited arrival of my newest batch of chinoiserie tole. To say it is magnificent honestly would be an understatement. I literally want one of everything. I really took my time in designing these pieces and am beyond thrilled with […]

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Happenings on the homefront and a winner!

Comments : 37

Hi there, feels like forever since I’ve done a post on the house. Busy week over here, working almost full time with my edesign projects and trying to get a few projects in my own home underway, unfortunately its slow going as they keep getting pushed to the backburner. I have so many things I […]

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