Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Late week random musings…..

Comments : 26

Hi there, can’t believe the week is nearly over! Well,? after a very very long day in the city on Tuesday for my clients first round of delivery/window installations, it was? a definite success. You always hold your breath for the “big day” for a host of reasons…..will everything fit in the freight elevator all […]

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Random Sunday musings…..

Comments : 25

  Hi there! Well, we are back and I survived:)? First off I? have to tell you…..I was so touched by your amazing comments/ emails of support from my tribute to my son (click here if you missed it). I know I will go back to that post often and treasure your words of wisdom […]

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Happy Sunday and a winner!

Comments : 29

  UPDATE- Due to a shop glitch the shop is a bit delayed therefore the tole as of Monday 1pm was added under current promotions and will be sold there until the shop can get sorted out (hopefully over the next few days)! So the entire line can be in the meantime viewed there and […]

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