Tag: The Enchanted Home shop

Midweek random musings….

Comments : 27

Hi there…..today is one of my random musings, all over the place kind of posts. A bit of this and a little of that. How was your weekend? Mine was a lot of fun, got to see a great Broadway show, All The Way which I absolutely recommend. Visited my son at his new apt….being […]

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Two winners and a special opportunity!

Comments : 15

Hi there…its been a very hectic last few days. As you all know my Dining Room Love Contest was launched but not without fanfare (I am being polite). I do not pretend to understand? technology but when I was told by my hosting company, that my site had to be restricted due to the amount […]

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A new poll and a giveaway!

Comments : 139

  Good morning…OK this is what, I kid you not, that we woke up to this morning!! Shocker, it wasn’t even in the forecast and it’s still snowing! Enough to look pretty but also enough to remind me of how tired I am of winter and how we are all longing to see and smell […]

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