Tag: travel

Under the spell of Turks and Caicos……

Under the spell of Turks and Caicos……
Comments : 21

Hi there, as most of you know we recently had the great fortune to visit Turks and Caicos. I had never been but it was definitely on my list of “places to visit”. Thanks to my favorite travel agent of all, Sandy of You May Be Wandering, she arranged for everything and it was seamless. […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 14

Hello there friends! I am back and well rested…back to real life:) Hope you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend. First order of the day is to announce the very lucky winner of the four custom ornaments, congratulations goes to ….. #266 MADELINE HICKMAN Please email me at [email protected]  to give me your shipping details. […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 17

  ****For anyone who placed a porcelain presale order, the first part of the container arrived so some orders are shipping Monday, the rest of the container is due in by end of week (going through customs right now) and we will get ALL orders shipped out upon receipt right away, everything looks gorgeous so […]

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