Tag: coming soon

Need your take and a giveaway!

Need your take and a giveaway!
Comments : 108

Hello and happy Thursday  to you. So, it was funny I was going through my draft box of various ideas, mood boards, reiterations of products, hundreds and hundreds of them and a few really stuck out at me (well, maybe more than a few). And this made me start thinking again about potentially putting these […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 4

Hi everyone,  hope this finds you doing well…hard to believe we are in the month of May!! I hope to be in Palmetto Bluff with visiting friends when you read this. So prepared this a few days ahead of time, fingers crossed it posts on time! Spring feels like its fading away and we are […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 15

Hello there, hope you are having a nice weekend. With luck, I will be enjoying my last few days in PB. We had one unusually cold day but for the most part,  temps and the weather has been very pleasant, mid to high 60’s and lots of sun! The down time was/is desperately needed, as […]

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