Tag: Enchanted Home exclusives

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 19

Hello and happy Sunday! First I want to announce the winner of the porcelain jar giveaway, congratulations goes to-   #264 MICHAEL JOHN   Please email your shipping info to [email protected] and your prize will be on it’s way! Hope you are enjoying a great weekend, here it’s been a busy but relaxing one. Had […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 22

Hello and happy Sunday. Just back from PB and had such a great time, so many highlights that I cannot wait to share with you next week (and this might be my best Bluff Diaries ever)! Back to the grind:)  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. It’s rainy and cool….certainly not the glorious weather […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 19

Good Sunday morning to you. Hope you have had a nice weekend, mine was going fine until that horrific shooting occurred. It really affected me in a very deep way ( click here) and I cannot thank you enough for your hundreds of comments/emails.We cannot turn a blind eye to this again.  I also ended […]

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