Tag: fashion

Seven on Sunday

Comments : 17

Hi friends…beautiful day here, in fact I would say weather wise it’s been a “10” FINALLY ! Things are starting to turn green and bloom and the birds are chirping loud and clear….the sure signs of spring.  I first want to announce the winner of the beautiful silver bowl, congratulations goes to- #15 KIM BAUER […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 23

Hi everyone hope you are having a? great weekend. First things first, time to announce the winner of the surprise Horchow travel giveaway, congratulations goes to- #163 JENNIFER NOBLE Please contact me at [email protected] to claim your prize ____________ Our weekend was much more uneventful than last weekend (the blizzard). So happy that is but […]

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Pinterest pretties- fashion!

Comments : 15

Good morning from very cold NY.? It is in the teens here, bitter! I guess be careful what you wish for because I was recently saying how it doesn’t feel like winter and sure enough we got a bit of the white stuff the other night (only an inch) but enough to make everything look […]

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