Tag: flowers

By Invitation Only….finding creativity

Comments : 22

Hello there….hard to believe it is March but here it is beyond frigid. I am talking single digits and bone chilling cold.? Headed into NYC today and there are no amount of layers that will be too much! Not pretty either, I am so over winter it is not even funny. So our monthly By […]

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Say hello to the newest member of my online shop and a giveaway!

Comments : 87

Hello and happy Wednesday morning, slowly adjusting to my new “home”. Slowly is the operative word:) I am, as said before indeed a creature of habit and don’t do well with change but I am also very stubborn and the combination can at times be toxic but also fuel to “keep on truckin” so here […]

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Flipping over flowers……..

Comments : 24

Hello there and happy Monday….. OK here is a blog update for anyone who cares. I have decided to not do anything at this moment (changing back to blogger). I did if you will notice change my header back to an old and familiar one (some of you were having a hard time adjusting to […]

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