Tag: Palmetto Bluff

Bluff Diaires Chapter 68

Bluff Diaires Chapter 68
Comments : 37

Hi there! Well we made it to PB last weekend for a very quick whirlwind trip but it was so worth it. Though the plane ride home was horrific. The air conditioning on the plane was not working and let’s just says yours truly who abhors flying to begin with could not get off that […]

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Bluff Diaries Chapter 67

Bluff Diaries Chapter 67
Comments : 14

Hi friends, well we are finally approaching the finish line down in Palmetto Bluff. We are finally down to the last few weeks so buttoning this beautiful cottage up and it can’t come a moment too soon. We hope to get there down there in  about a week or two to go through a punch […]

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Comments : 3

Hi everyone! Hope this finds you doing well. Seems like its been a bit since I did a PB update. I am very happy yo report the things are really chugging along and we are approaching the much anticipated finish line! We were due to be there last week but it did not work out […]

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