Tag: Topiaries

Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 14

Hi friends, how are you? I am doing pretty good, have a lot of balls in the air right now. Mostly good ones but dealing with a parent with dementia is another matter altogether. Very fluid, some days better than others. I am grateful for those easy days where things seem to be OK. My […]

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Seven on Sunday….

Comments : 30

Good morning and happy Sunday to you. Before I begin,? to all those who had voted for Hadi….well he won! He was the recipient of the Bright Futures Prize…..we could not be prouder. We saw him last night as they came in from Boston and he asked me to convey a heartfelt thanks to each […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 31

Hello, happy Sunday to you! Gorgeous weekend here but boy is it getting cold. I hear by Thurs. we will have high’s of only 40 degrees!! Time to bring out the big guns….. heavy coats, chunky sweaters and my gloves! Hope you are having a nice weekend, as I do every Sunday, I am sharing […]

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