Tag: travel

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 24

Hello! Can you believe its actually the Sunday before Christmas!! I can’t………part of me is happy it’s finally here, the buildup was putting me over the edge and I am really looking forward to an even year, 2020! I have a thing for even numbers:) But there is no denying the magic of the season […]

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The charm of Nantucket- part 1

The charm of Nantucket- part 1
Comments : 19

Hello! First I want to announce the winner of the tulipiere giveaway! Congratulations goes to-   #47 nancy on7/23/2019 at 10:17 am I do love the dark blue tulipiere with the purple flowers !!!! They are all lovely !!!! I have a small tulipiere and love it !!!! Please send us your name, address and […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 8

Good Sunday to you! Hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing summer weekend. A little crazy that July 4th is now behind us and it’s full steam ahead into the second half of summer. We are in East Hampton this weekend with lots going on,  and banking on great weather and some summer fun […]

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