Random Saturday musings, a few questions answered and a hello

Comments : 125

Hi there, and happy Saturday morning to you! I have had a borderline migraine for the last 30 hours so haven’t been around much. This time even the 80 mg. of Relpax did not do the trick which was unusual but I woke up feeling, while not 100%,  definitely better. It never became full blown […]

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Happy Sunday afternoon and super mini house update

Comments : 39

Hi there, well I hope whatever you are doing or where ever you are, you have had a beautiful day and weekend. I ended up not going to my sons tournament today in PA, hubby and son took off early this morning, I had a slight sore throat and welcomed the day to myself (rarely […]

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Happy Sunday afternoon and super mini house update

Comments : 39

Hi there, well I hope whatever you are doing or where ever you are, you have had a beautiful day and weekend. I ended up not going to my sons tournament today in PA, hubby and son took off early this morning, I had a slight sore throat and welcomed the day to myself (rarely […]

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